
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Printing out Fun

You don't have to be a homeschooler to have a little educational fun.  I remember doing Mad Libs over summer break when I was a kid.  While trying to help my own children remember the differences between Adjectives and Adverbs, Nouns and Pronouns I figured they too could use a few mad libs.  What I didn't think was that I would go through a whole ream of paper printing it out for them and using every internet resource I have because they liked them so much. 

If you are looking for some educational fun word here are some links that you will love:

Mad libs by season and holiday

A ghost story mad lib in pdf format

Mad Lib to do online or print out

Printable Boggle Games - no pieces to loose, more people can play than can sit around a table and can be done anywhere. 

Word Searches with answer keys

There are few things as enjoyable as hearing a table full of laughing kids. 

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