
Monday, October 15, 2012

Bookmarks - Monday Craft

If you are looking for a craft that is as functional as well as fun and educational try making bookmarks.  Anything can be a book mark.

You can reuse greeting cards to make books marks, scraps of fabric, old books that have fallen apart, Poems or facts or other things you are trying to get your kids to memorize, pictures of the kids for family.  The possibilities are endless.

 Or you can do like we did and print some out free, color and glue to card stock and use some ribbon for the tassle.  This is one of those crafts that you go, Oh crap I forgot to plan a craft, and craft time is in 30 minutes.  Yea, I just make it look like I am prepared. 

Tie a knot in your rbbon so you have a loop and 2 ends.

Push the loop through the hole you punches and thread the end through the loop.

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