
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advent/Count Down Craft

Sorry I didn't post Monday, but I had to wait to finish this craft till I got to the store for chocolate.

We made our own Count Down/ Advent calendar.  I looked around for different crafts.  I wanted to do one we could use every year but there is some problems with that.  For one I need enough space for 8+ kids inside each day.  Not a lot of crafts are built for large families.  Procrastination was the other problem.  I suggest starting crafts at least a week before you need them!

So this years I got from Design Sponge.  Of course I had to put my own spin on it.  I had my kids decorate the envelopes.  I have 8 kids who can color so they each got 3.  YMMV depending on how many kids you have. You can also do stickers, stencils, painting, etc.

Inside the envelopes I put Hershey Kisses.  One for each kid.  I do recommend doing the same thing and not a mix.  Because then you will have kids fighting.  Unless your kid is abnormal...I mean nice.

I used garland instead of string (cause thats what I had), and I used tacks to hang the garland .  I wrote the numbers on every day cause I didn't have stencils or stickers. But you can get really creative and do the pictures inside giant numbers.  Or you can have each kid create a number out of reindeer or hearts or whatever.  Like I said, get creative.

 Make sure you number your envelops so you have enough!
If your craft is heavy you may need more than  tacks.  Mine was pretty heavy with our choice of chocolate. 

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