So onto the books I read.
First was Diners Drive-ins and Dives
Next I read Dave Barry's History of the Millenium. If you have ever read his year in review this is that, just compiled for the first part of the 21st century. Not great for reading in bed at night with your significant other, on airplanes or any where else you are supposed to be quiet. A quick and funny read, great if you need a pick me up.
And I just finished What Mothers Do by Naomi Stadlen, now this was a good book. I wished I had had this book when my first was little. This is not a parenting book, or at least she tries very hard to keep parenting tips out of it. This is more of a mothering book. If you ever looked around your house after swearing you worked all day, yet it doesn't look like you did a thing, you need to read this book. It made me feel normal, about all those things you are sure no one else goes through. Possibly the best quote from the book, "I've done all sorts of jobs, and I've enjoyed them. But motherhood is the first thing I've done to the best of my ability. I'm not perfect, but I feel I'm doing the best I can. I thank God for motherhood, for letting me have the chance to work like this."
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